Award-winning Artist and Illustrator, Laura Merer, lives in Roseville, California, empty-nesting it with her husband, Adam, two dogs, five cats and copious pet hair! She has loved drawing as long as she can remember. Animals of all kinds are often the subject matter of her work.
Laura received her B.F.A. from Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. She worked as an Artist at Gibson Greetings for several years and then became a Freelance Illustrator. Laura has created artwork for greeting cards, party papers, children’s publications and children’s books. At the same time, she has focused on creating her own personal work, utilizing different media, including acrylics, pastels, graphite, sculpey and digitally created art. She is excited by the technology that allows animating images, how that affects the perception of the piece, and the dynamic world of the internet and social media as tools to reach those that love art.
Outside her studio
Laura also loves music (#LordHuron4ever), podcasts, armchair-detecting, murder mystery series (the foreign-er, the better) and funny stuff. Additionally, most recently, she is low-key obsessed with the Brown Bears of Brooks Falls, Alaska, Katmai National Park. Thanks to Explore.org’s live cams, Brown Bears have become a common subject in Laura’s recent work.
In 2013, Laura became involved in Animal Rescue, often bottle-feeding and fostering orphaned kittens for several local organizations. She finds it so gratifying to care for teeny neo-nate kittens, the size of little mice, and helping them grow into chubby, fluffy kittens, ready to be adopted into their forever homes.
Laura also enjoys using her art as an opportunity to donate paintings to different art auctions to benefit local rescues.If you’d like to see more of Laura’s art, you can follow her on Instagram and TikTok.